Tool Box Talk- What is Crystalline Silica? (Quarry)
CEUs: 0.5
Course Code: TQ212
Non-Member Price: $50.00
Member Price: FREE
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Over- exposure to respirable crystalline silica particles can lead to serious, sometimes fatal illnesses including silicosis, lung cancer, tuberculosis (in those with silicosis), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In addition, silica exposure has been linked to other illnesses including renal disease and other cancers. Silicosis is a progressive disease and there is no cure upon its onset, thus minimizing your exposure to respirable crystalline silica is the key to prevention.
Learning Objectives - at the end of this segment you should be able to:
Learn what Crystalline Silica is and how it causes long-term sickness.
Discuss ways to prevent illnesses when working in areas exposed to silica.
Review company policies meant to protect employees from long-term silica exposure.