Tool Box Talk- Highwall Management & Use of Drones (Quarry)
CEUs: 0.5
Course Code: TQ340
Non-Member Price: $50.00
Member Price: FREE
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Unexpected rock movement can cause injuries, endanger lives, and can potentially result in a mine catastrophe. Even relatively shallow quarries can experience devastating consequences from slope failure. Using drones can help monitor conditions.
Exposure to cracks and seams are common to natural stone mining operations. Strict evaluation of the structural integrity of the stone deposit should be made before entering an area. The entire crew shares this responsibility (see something, say something). Auditing and team work combined with pre-shift workplace examinations are the tools that everyone needs to utilize in "following the cracks" to avoid the hazard of falling rock.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to recognize potential highwall hazards such as cracks and seams.
- Review technologies that are available to help prevent highwall cracks and falling rock.
- Discuss how everyone on the team is involved in inspections.
- Create a plan for preventing injuries associated with falling rocks and rock slides.